Chan Practice and Faith
Many people think that Chan practice depends solely
on their own efforts, requiring self-reliance, while
those who practice by reciting the Buddha’s name
depend solely on external help. Both of these views
are incorrect.
Chan Practice and Faith

In the Spirit of Chan
“In the Spirit of Chan” is a concise survey of the
origins and development of Chan Buddhism, and an
introduction to the essential principles and perspectives
of Chan Buddhist theory and practice.
In the Spirit of Chan
The Origin of Chan
Bodhidharma's Two Entries and Four Practices
Chan:The Gateless Gate

The Effect of Chan Meditation
Chan is a school of Buddhist meditation and also known
as Zen. The aim of Chan is to live life with wisdom and
compassion through realization of our interconnected-
ness with all things.
The Wealth of Chan Meditation
The Precious Human Body
Scientists, Views on Meditation
Ensuring a Healthy Body and Mind
Cultivating a Strong Character
From a Balanced Body and Mind to a State of Liberation

The Dharma Drum Lineage of
Chan Buddhism
Chan Buddhism
This booklet is a compilation of six discourses delivered
by Master Sheng Yen, include the Master’s vision of the
mission of Dharma Drum, and the aim of Dharma Drum
Lineage of Chan Buddhism.
My Commitment and Life’s Mission
Inheriting the Past and Inspiring the Future
The Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism
About the Author:Master Sheng Yen