A Happy Family and Successful Career
From a Chan practitioner's perspective, the two principles underlying a happy family and successful career are "wholehearted devotion in caring for family" and "full commitment to career."
The Two Principles Underlying
Mutual Respect and Support among Family Members
Diligent and Steady Career Management
The Busy Make the Most of Time
Devotion to Both Family and Career

Living in the 21st Century: A Buddhist View
Master Sheng Yen, the founder of Dharma Drum Mountain and the chairman of the World Council of Religious Leaders Board, is dedicated to ‘seeking commonality while preserving diversity’, and aims to eliminate spiritual poverty and to promote of environmental protection.

The Buddhadharma in Daily Life

Zen and Inner Peace I & II
As buddha-nature is within all beings, this book expounds the meaning of “Life is Chan, and Chan is Life.” Everyone can benefit by applying Chan wisdom and compassion in daily life, regardless of the complexity of their lives, their environments and interpersonal relationships, along with the associated stresses and conflicts.
vol. one:
Development of Self
Emotional Intelligence
Attachment and Jealousy
Temptation and Desires
The Workplace
vol. two:
Business and Leadership
The Art of Work
Right Understanding of Chan Practice
Chan Meditation
Chan in Everyday Life
vol. one: