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Dharma Drum Publication - Dharma for Daily Life
Zen Wisdom
By Chan Master Sheng Yen
In Zen Wisdom Chan Master Sheng Yen answers questions from his students with clarity, humor, and depth. Collected over several years, these conver- sations focus on the simple yet seemingly elusive principles of Chan (Zen) practice. The questions deal not only with the philosophical foundations of Buddhism, such as "What is the self?" but also with issues such as how to practice meditation in daily life. Combining Buddhist wisdom with informed knowledge of contem- porary life, Master Sheng Yen shows us that the Buddha's teachings are still fresh and relevant today.
Dharma Drum:
The Life and Heart of Chan Practice
By Chan Master Sheng Yen
In Dharma Drum, Master Sheng Yen offers fresh insights into the ways we can bring Chan study and practice into our daily lives. Part One includes anecdotal explanations of the history and concepts that shaped Chan Buddhism, along with careful explanations of methods for meditation and other practices. Part Two pulls us into the rhythms of practice itself, with aphorisms and bits of guidance for people at any level of practice. "In Buddhism, awakening from the long dream of life means realizing your self-nature. ... Although we may understand that our lives are dream- like, we still bear responsibility for this sleeping and waking dream". -- Chan Master Sheng Yen