
Dr. Rikki Asher Ph.D.
Rikki Asher is a certified Hatha yoga instructor and meditation teacher who began her practice with Master Sheng Yen in 1976. She teaches Beginners and Intermediate Meditation in Queens, NY, the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, and the Omega Institute in Rhineback, NY. She leads one day retreats at the Chan Meditation Center (CMC) and Dharma Drum Retreat Center (DDRC) in Pine Bush, NY. She published a yoga book entitled, "Yoga: Harmonizing Body and Mind" and several articles and curriculum materials related to Buddhist art. She has given Dharma talks and talks about Buddhist art at various locales nationwide, including the Rubin Museum and the National Art Education Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is a visual artist, and Director of Art Education at Queens College, City University of New York. She received her Doctorate in 1991 from Columbia University Teachers College and her MFA in painting at CUNY, Lehman College in 1981. In 2017, Rikki led Meditation classes at a New York C.Jungian Psychoanalyst Conference on Trauma.
Street Retreat
日期: 2023-12-10