Last Updated: Feb 9th 2023
Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief 土耳其/敘利亞地震救災專案
Those who aid and deliver the suffering are bodhisattvas.
and those in the throes of suffering are great bodhisattvas.
- Master Sheng Yen


- 聖嚴法師

DDMBA (UN-NGO) would like to invite all our members and friends to help the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Our focus will be related to medical supplies, housing, foods, children’s education/scholarship, and mental health.

DDMBA 是一個 UN-NGO 組織。我們竭誠邀請會員及友好人士,一起幫助土耳其/敘利亞地震的災難重建。我們會著重在醫療物資、住處及食物供給、小孩的教育及獎學金,以及災區民眾的心靈重建。



* 建議以1或2方式來捐款。
* Payment option #1 and #2 are recommended.

  1. Donate by Check 支票捐款
    Payable to “DDMBA”
    Memo: Turkey/Syria Earthquake Relief
    抬頭:DDMBA 並註明:土耳其/敘利亞地震救災
  2. Zelle to email 9056ddmba@gmail.com (Registered as Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association) 快速轉帳
    Memo: Turkey/Syria Earthquake Relief
  3. Optional: Donate by PayPal 線上信用卡支付
    * PayPal charges a service fee for each transaction, so we will not receive the full amount of your donation.
    * PayPal會收取額外服務費,所以我們將無法收到您的全額捐款。
Mailing address: 郵寄地址
Chan Meditation Center
9126 Corona Ave. Elmhurst NY11373

+ You may also make your donation at the local DDMBA centers at LA , SF, Seattle, NJ, and Boston.
  (The addresses of our centers are listed here: https://chancenter.org/en/about/our-family)

+ 您也可以就近到法鼓山洛杉磯道場, 舊金山道場, 普賢講堂, 新澤西分會或西雅圖分會護持捐款。