認識我們  |  護持捐款
About CMC - Chan Meditation Center


When you donate to CMC, you are helping to support our core services, retreats and center activities, as well as peace building and improving our community.

Please consider making a one-time donation or an installment pledge. Gifts of stock transfer and bequests are always appreciated. For assistance with making donations, please email chancenter@gmail.com, or by phone: (718) 592-6593.


● Checks (支票):


    Chan Meditation Center
    9126 Corona Avenue
    Elmhurst, NY 11373

● Paypal(信用卡):

* PayPal會收取額外服務費,所以我們將無法收到您的全額捐款。


PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!

(Paypal帳號: Institute of Chung-Hwa Buddhist Culture Inc.)

* 美洲及歐洲地區的菩薩,可是透過


Donate with PayPal button

(Paypal帳號: Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association, Inc.)

* 美洲及歐洲地區的菩薩,可是透過

● QuickPay/Zelle (線上快速轉帳):



受款人請使用CMC銀行帳號email address - 9056cmc@gmail.com
(Account name: Institute of Chung-Hwa Buddhist Culture Inc.)


受款人請使用DDMBA銀行帳號email address - 9056ddmba@gmail.com
(Account name: Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association)

* 在使用QuickPay或是Zelle進行線上轉帳時,請記得在message訊息區塊內輸入下列必要訊息,以利後序帳務處理 (請注意,由於美國多數銀行目前無法接受中文訊息,若有需要,請在使用QuickPay或是Zelle轉帳之後,致電或email東初禪寺告知並詳述您的捐款項目):

  1. 您的英文全名
  2. 您的聯絡電話及Email
  3. 您的捐款項目(英文)
    例如: Building fund (道場擴建), Blessing light (光明燈), Flower/Food offering (供齋、花果), Offering to Sangha (供僧), or Cloud blessings (雲端祈福), etc.
  4. 您的英文地址,以方便我們將您的收據郵寄給您。


Thank you for your generosity!

Whether or not you are able to make a donation at this time, there are other ways you can help further the goals of CMC, such as volunteering your time, skills, and energy, as many are doing at our affiliate centers around the world. On behalf of our founder, Master Sheng Yen, and the sangha, thank you for everything you are doing through your own practice and generosity.