Reflections on A Day at Ease, Saturday

Report written by LAlison P. Fornes, May 24, 2010

    On The morning of Saturday May 8 started with dark clouds and heavy rain, but by 11am, the rain had stopped, the skies were clearing, and more than 50 adults and children were enjoying a Day at Ease at the DDRC. Many of the attendees were new to Dharma Drum, and came to Pine Bush New York from nearby towns and cities, while others travelled up from New York City, Long Island, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Monastics from Bluecliff monastery, and two men from England visiting US Dharma centers also enjoyed the day's activities.

    The opportunity for families with children to spend a day at the retreat center was a particular joy. The dining hall was the center of a variety of family activities: crafts, facepainting, musical entertainment by the Celadon Youth Music Ensemble, and magic by Mr. Presto, and a vegetarian raw-food cooking demonstration. There were also more contemplative activities held near the Chan Hall: tea ceremony, yoga, 8 forms moving meditation, mindfulness activities for children and mindful hiking. Chang Wen Fashi, who led the mindful hiking, was impressed by the children who went on the afternoon hike, where he observed the children teaching each other to listen to the sounds around them.

    The volunteers did an excellent job bringing this event together, and all felt a great joy for being able to bring this Day of Ease to the community. Discussions have begun to plan for next year, and for other events that can bring families together to share the Dharma.

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Dharma Drum Mountain