"Music in Religions"

Talk translated by Dr. Joanne Chang
Report by Chang Jie 11/22/2009

    On Sunday, November 23, 2009, Dr. Joanne Chang gave a talk in English and Chinese on the topic of "Music in Religions". She shared musical recordings from various Eastern religious traditions, including Judaic, Buddhist, and Christian traditions. Musical styles included Jewish Kaballah, religious pop, Gregorian chants, Greek Orthodox Byzantine, gospel, and modern Buddhist music.

    Dr. Chang explained how music plays different roles in religion, including contemplation, meditation, prayer, recitation, expression, communication and relaxation. After listening to the music, she invited the audience to share their thoughts about the music, to think about how the music made them feel, and what the function or purpose of the music may be. Dr. Chang hoped that the audience may understand and appreciate different religious traditions through their spiritual music.

  Copyright © 2009
Dharma Drum Mountain