Providing Economic Aid and Educational Support to Transform the Outlook of Fundamentalists

In principle, the existence of fundamentalism is a normal phenomenon. This is because any staunch adherence to a particular belief system, be it a religious value, academic theory, or political ideology, can be considered a form of 'fundamentalism.' The difference is that, for some, it is possible to modify and change what they adhere to, whereas it can be difficult for adherents to particular religious views to adjust their perspectives.

We should understand that poverty and ignorance are often interrelated. Poverty renders access to and education in modern, pluralistic and global information unaffordable. This then leads to the isolation of cultural thinking, and in turn results in discriminating against, belittling, and rejecting whoever is different. Because of poverty, jealousy of the capitalist countries led by the United States may arise. A sense of inferiority is thus transformed into extreme arrogance, which then leads to the detesting, despising and attacking of whoever is different.

Solutions. Military retaliation might have a temporary deterrent effect, but if we want a lasting peace, we must take the following four steps with love and patience:

    1. Provide economic aid in order to raise their productivity.
    2. Support the improvement of educational facilities to help them gain access to modern, pluralistic, and global information.
    3. Befriend them in a sincere manner to help them realize that: (1) only by respecting others will they receive others' respect, (2) only by tolerating those different from themselves can they achieve true and lasting security, and (3) only the power of love can permanently and fully conquer the world.
    4. Encourage fundamentalists to reinterpret their holy scriptures and teachings through cultural exchange and interaction, and allow them to initiate the modification of their own value system.

Master Sheng-yen
World Economic Forum, New York
February 2, 2002

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